NOVEMBER 22, 2017
Today Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced the National Housing Strategy, with a target of 2400 new affordable housing units that enable community-based independent living for people with developmental disabilities. Inclusion Canada and People First of Canada (PFC) welcome this historic announcement.
Joy Bacon, Inclusion Canada President said, “We are thrilled with the Prime Minister’s announcement today. A dedicated investment to create at least 2400 new affordable housing units for people with developmental disabilities will have a transformational impact on building inclusive communities right across this country.”
Kory Earle, President of People First of Canada said, “An equal right to housing is long overdue. Far too many people with intellectual disabilities are homeless, and dying unnecessarily. Canada used to invest in institutions for us. Finally, the government recognizes we deserve a home, in the community, just like everyone else. We are incredibly grateful to the Prime Minister and Government of Canada for hearing our voice and heeding our call. To be part of this national strategy truly means we belong as equal citizens of this country.”
This investment will be welcomed in communities across Canada. Krista Carr, Inclusion Canada Executive Vice-President said, “Our local and provincial/territorial associations stand ready to partner with all levels of government, with other community sectors, and with housing developers to develop and activate the plans needed to reach this target. It is an extraordinary opportunity, a watershed moment in Canada’s recognition of the rights and inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities. There is a lot of work ahead. But we have the capacity and partnerships ready to make this happen.”
Never before has the Government of Canada so clearly recognized the housing needs and housing rights of this group. We estimate that over 100,000 Canadians with intellectual and developmental disabilities currently live in precarious and vulnerable housing situations in Canada – over-represented among the homeless population; living with aging parents who can no longer manage and too poor to live more independently; congregated in residential facilities that deny basic housing rights; and, placed in nursing homes and long-term care because they are unable to access affordable and supportive housing in the community. The consequence is hugely disproportionate social isolation, economic exclusion, poverty, preventable deaths and victimization among people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Canada.
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Media contacts:
Marc Muschler, Senior Communications Officer, Inclusion Canada,
Shelley Fletcher, People First of Canada Executive Director: 204-784-7362