11th Annual Federal Policy Forum for Inclusion Intellectual/Developmental Disability & COVID-19:Challenges, Opportunities and the Road AheadLessons from Those Left BehindHosted by Inclusion Canada & People First of Canadain collaboration with Office for Disability Issues, Employment and Social Development CanadaClick here to registerThursday, December 3rd, 2020– via Zoom Webinar – Free EventThe COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on people with an intellectual disability in Canada has exposed the limitations of the system to respond to the needs of people with disabilities in a time of crisis. As the country shifts its focus to recovery, there is a real risk of returning to the status quo – dismissing what we have learned and leaving people equally vulnerable when the next crisis strikes. This year’s Forum will explore how we can sustain and build on the learnings and innovations that have emerged in the midst of this pandemic to create the inclusive society we want to see. Highlight Agenda:11am Opening Remarks & Keynote – The COVID-19 Disability Advisory Group (CDAG) as an innovative vehicle for community engagement and collaboration 12pm Panel 1: Healthcare Ethics & Access: Responding in the midst of a pandemic1:30pm Break2pm Panel 2: Cash & COVID: Surviving a pandemic below the poverty line3:30pm Break4pm Panel 3: Locked Up & Locked Out: The reality of congregate care during a pandemic5:30pm Summary and ClosingStay tuned for full agenda and speaker list! Additional Info: The forum will include a series of panels and interactive Q&As. All panels include perspectives of lived experience from people with an intellectual disability and families, as well as research and policy expertise from both government and community. Participants are welcome to join for all or some panels. Accessibility Accommodations: The forum will be held in English. Virtual CART services and ASL will be available. Please contact cpyke@inclusioncanada.ca if you require more information on accommodations.Register today! Share this TwitterFacebook