Category: Knowledge Sharing

13th Annual Federal Policy Forum on Inclusion – Demanding Better: How the Disability Inclusion Action Plan could change the lives of people with an intellectual/developmental disability

Hosted by Inclusion Canada & People First of Canada in collaboration with Office for Disability Issues, Employment and Social Development Canada November 28th, 2022 – Shaw Centre, Ottawa, Ontario (in-person event) Canada’s federal government is working on our country’s first Disability Inclusion Action Plan. The Plan’s 4 pillars explore areas that deeply impact the lives of … Continued

Inclusion Canada Position Statements make clear Inclusion Canada’s position on key priority areas. Our position statements are grounded in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), and informed by people with an intellectual disability, their families, our provincial-territorial member organizations, and our Board of Directors.

Income Security

Watch the Our Take webinar – Inclusion Canada’s Position on Income Security Below!

Inclusive and Affordable Housing

Watch the Our Take webinar – Inclusion Canada’s Position on Inclusive & Affordable Housing Below!


Position on Employment

Plain English Format – Position on Employment

Watch the Our Take webinar – Inclusion Canada’s Position on Employment Below!

Legal Capacity

Position on Legal Capacity

Access to Healthcare

Position on Access to Healthcare

Plain English Format – Position on Access to Healthcare

Position on Medical Assistance in Dying

Plain English Format – Position on Medical Assistance in Dying

Watch our webinar on our new Position Statement on Access to Healthcare below!

Access to Justice

Position on Access to Justice

Plain Language Format – Position on Access to Justice

Self-advocate Samantha speaks to room full of supporters.Open minds to inclusion.

People who are informed about and committed to human rights and inclusion are the most powerful drivers for change. To end exclusion, Inclusion Canada illustrates the injustices and barriers still faced by too many people with an intellectual disability and their families and aims to invite others to take up the cause, turning ordinary citizens into champions for inclusion across Canada.

You can help us spread the word.

Inclusion Canada hosts free, 45-minute Inspiring Inclusion Tours to raise awareness of Inclusion Canada’s work toward building an inclusive Canada for people with an intellectual disability and their families.

These tours include powerful stories from people who have been supported through our organization, along with information about myths and facts around intellectual disability and our work to advance rights and reduce barriers in Canada.

Inclusion Canada’s vision is an inclusive Canada where people with an intellectual disability and their families are valued equally and able to participate fully in all aspects of society. We work to achieve this by strengthening families, defending rights, and transforming communities.

We would love to share with you our work toward a more inclusive Canada, and invite you to join us at one of our upcoming Inspiring Inclusion Tours. Additionally, we welcome invitations from businesses, not-for-profits, service clubs, recreation and volunteer groups, and coffee groups – we want to share our story with all members of our community, and we’ll come to you!

For more information or to host your own session as an Inspiring Inclusion Ambassador, please contact our staff at 416-661-9611 ext. 233 or email

Inclusion Canada leads the way in building an inclusive Canada for people with an intellectual disability and their families by strengthening families, defending rights, and transforming communities into places where everyone belongs.

Our Goals:

  • All people with an intellectual disability have their rights recognized, respected and promoted; have the supports they need to live, grow and thrive in their families and communities; and are safe from violence and abuse.
  • All people with an intellectual disability and their families have employment equality and adequate income resources to secure a good life fully included in the community, and a financially secure future.
  • All community members and sectors have the capacity to successfully include people with an intellectual disability in ways that promote full citizenship, participation and belonging.
We Work to Achieve This By:

Strengthening Families – Inclusion Canada works to strengthen families by helping families get access to the best possible options and choices available to their child or family member with an intellectual disability. Through our national network of families and caregivers, we work to strengthen families by helping them dream, by connecting families to other families who understand and have expertise, and by supporting families to navigate complicated service systems.

Defending Rights – As a national organization, we defend rights through policy work and public education. Sometimes we also intervene in legal cases, where the rights of individuals with an intellectual disability and their families are at stake.

Transforming Communities – We transform communities by motivating community leadership and encouraging key sectors to adopt inclusive practices. We work with educators, healthcare workers, cities, and more – providing the tools and information they need to become more inclusive so that everyone can participate and belong.

The 2021-2024 Strategic Plan is designed to put our commitment into action. Implemented across our five national organizations, this plan will mobilize an unparalleled effort to advance inclusion in the areas of legal capacity, inclusive education, income security, employment, support to families, safeguards in medical assistance in dying, and safe and inclusive communities. This plan also works to strengthen our national organizations’ core operations and partnerships.

Read our 2021-2024 Strategic Plan

PRESS RELEASE: Zero Project Highlights Canada’s Ready, Willing & Able Initiative as a 2017 Innovative Policy on Employment

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 24, 2017 VIENNA – Canada’s Ready, Willing & Able Initiative has been awarded as an Innovative Policy on Employment, Work and Vocational Education and Training. The Award was presented by Martin Essl, Founder of the Zero Project and Alexandra Wandel, Director and Vice-Chair, Management Board, of the World Future Council, in the United … Continued