Call for Submissions from Creators and Advocates with Disabilities in Canada

How did the This is Ableism project come to be?  Earlier this year, we hosted a focus group on ableism and Article 8 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. A diverse group of people with disabilities told us about their priorities for a public education campaign on ableism. Their feedback is the … Continued

12th Annual Federal Policy Forum on Inclusion – Right at Home: Advancing Article 19 – The Right to Live in Community

Hosted by Inclusion Canada & People First of Canada in collaboration with Office for Disability Issues, Employment and Social Development Canada November 30 & December 1, 2021 – via Zoom Webinar The COVID-19 pandemic shed light on the dangers of congregate care and institutional living in Canada. People with an intellectual disability have been put … Continued

Legal Capacity: Tools for you, your family, and your community

Think about the last time you visited the bank. Did the banker let you withdraw the money you wanted?  What about your last visit to the doctor’s office? Did the doctor listen to what you had to say? Did they talk to you directly?  Did they give you choices and respect your decisions?   Would it be hurtful and upsetting if people ignored you, or assumed … Continued

PRESS RELEASE: UN experts challenge Canada over human rights violations in Bill C-7

FOR IMMEIDATE RELEASEFebruary 9th, 2021 OTTAWA, ON – The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities, the Independent Expert on the enjoyment of all human rights by older persons, and the Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights have sent a formal letter to the Canadian government identifying the human rights … Continued

11th Annual Federal Policy Forum for Inclusion

Institution Watch – July 2020

Institution Watch – March 2020 Newsletter