For more than six decades Inclusion Canada has been working to transform Canada into a nation where inclusion is a reality for children and adults with intellectual disabilities and their families. A Canada where everyone belongs.
In just 35 minutes our virtual Inclusion Matters presentation will introduce you to how Inclusion Canada is making an invaluable difference through enabling community inclusion in schools, workplaces, universities and colleges, housing and social justice. You will meet, hear, and be moved by the personal stories of children and adults with intellectual disabilities and their families. Their personal stories are testament to the work of Inclusion Canada and illustrate vividly the difference everyone can make by learning more and supporting the work of this family driven organization.
This short yet powerful virtual presentation will leave you with a deeper understanding of how each and everyone of us can contribute to building a more inclusive Canada through the work of Inclusion Canada.
Please join us to see the life changing impact being made across Canada.
To schedule a virtual presentation for your friends, family, or group contact us today!
Jason Carr – Executive Director, Community Engagement & Development
Toll-free phone: 1-855-661-9611